Friday, January 15, 2010
Message Explanations
Message 2 shows a very complex map with changing colors and moving animations. On first glance this graph seems very technical and complex which induces peripheral route processing.
Message 3 is a two-sided argument which first presents our side of the issue by showing how Polar bears are being threatened by global warming due to fossil fuel consumption. Then the opposite side is shown by Senator James Inhofe and the list he compiled of scientists that do not believe in global warming. We then show two images of earth taken years apart to show the dissapearing ice caps.
Complex Two-Sided Message
The ice caps are melting because of our use of fossil fuels like gasoline
However according to a list put together by United States Senator James Inhofe, 413 scientists deny the existence of global warming due to humans
The list:
Who do you believe?
Fear Inducing Message
If the polar ice caps melt entirely, 11 of America's largest cities will be gone
However we can slow down the process of global warming by reducing our auto emissions
Use eco-friendly forms of transportation that don't pollute!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Message Explanations
1) This ad is based on classical conditioning because it pairs our desired behavior of saving gas with an attractive and famous movie star.
2) This message also uses classical conditioning however this time money takes the place of a movie star to signify something people want/
3)This ad uses intensity by depicting a gas station on fire. The bright flames and intense color immediately capture attention, making the message intense.
4) This is a message based on repetition. The ad shows repeated images of Hollywood stars driving fuel efficient cars. The effect of one celebrity on a product is strenthened by repetition in this ad.
5) Assuming it worked, I would use subliminal messaging to advocate my position on gasoline consumption by having a printed at which depicted a car and the exhaust that was being emitted from the tail pipe could discretely spell out "bad" or "pollution."
6) This ad depicts Al Gore as a credible communicator to deter the over consumption of gasoline. He is a credible communicator because he is considered the premier spokesperson and advocate against global warming and is known as the official medium between scientists and the public concerning fossil fuels and climate change.
7) Takes an image showing the president shaking hands with a worker in the auto industry showing what the president is doing to help the situation to inspire a sense of loyalty to the country and make citizens want to do something to help the planet.
Message from a Credible Communicator
With our President behind him, Al Gore says...
"I drive a hybrid. Tipper and I got a Lexus hybrid. And we have a couple of Priuses in the family with our children. And I encourage people to make environmentally conscious choices because we all have to solve this climate crisis." -Al Gore
President Obama meets with green workers because a green America is a stable America
Click Here to Survay
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Social Engeneering Attempts To Fix The Problem
Another less known social engineering attempt to reduce America's use of gasoline was a government program focused on giving rebates to people purchasing new cars. If some one purchased a new car that got at least 6 mpg's better than thier old car, they were issued a tax credit.
Tecnological Fixes for Using to Much Gasoline
One of the side effects of using to much gasoline, Coal and other fossil fuels is that over the past century or so that we have been increasing the overall global temperature. this has caused political and economical change in the world at large.
One of the proposed fixes is of course the obvious one produce less emissions. however some people do not believe that this is possible, mainly do to the oil company's interference in politics according to Alex Steffen in a blog about "will the future of Geoengineered?"
Some of the the proposed Technological Fixes for the problem are Hydro Electric Cars, Full Electric Cars, Hybrid Cars.
Hydro Electric Buses
One fix for this problem is Hydro Electric Buses and according to in the article "UTC Power Attains 5000 Hour Durability Milestone with Transit Bus Fuel Cell System" the following are several quotes from the article about the hydrogen fuel cell's that the buses use and how that compares to the current buses being used.
"SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. — UTC Power, a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) company, today announced one of its latest generation PureMotion® Model 120 fuel cell powerplants for hybrid-electric transit buses has surpassed 5,000 operating hours in real-world service with its original cell stacks and no cell replacements."
Here is a Quote with some real world statistics on the current possibility and actuality's of Hydro Electric Buses
"Three of AC Transit’s buses are equipped with UTC Power fuel cell systems and have now traveled more than 213,000 miles, with an average fuel economy that is 65 percent better than the control fleet of diesel buses running the same routes and duty cycles." -\
Electric Cars
Image of the New Upcoming Electric Car the Dodge ZEO
Quote: From
Electric cars are something that show up in the news all the time. There are several reasons for the continuing interest in these vehicles:
- Electric cars create less pollution than gasoline-powered cars, so they are an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles (especially in cities).
- Any news story about hybrid cars usually talks about electric cars as well.
- Vehicles powered by fuel cells are electric cars, and fuel cells are getting a lot of attention right now in the news.
An electric car is a car powered by an electric motor rather than a gasoline engine.
From the outside, you would probably have no idea that a car is electric. In most cases, electric cars are created by converting a gasoline-powered car, and in that case it is impossible to tell. When you drive an electric car, often the only thing that clues you in to its true nature is the fact that it is nearly silent. "
Hybrid Cars:
This is an Image of the
Quote: From
"The auto industry has the technology to address these concerns. It's the hybrid car. There are a lot of hybrid models on the market these days, and most automobile manufacturers have announced plans to manufacture their own versions.How does a hybrid automobile work? What goes on under the hood to give you 20 or 30 more miles per gallon than the standard automobile? And does it pollute less just because it gets better gas mileage? In this article, we'll help you understand how this technology works, and we'll even give you some tips on how to drive a hybrid car for maximum efficiency."
Useage of Gasoline History
Gasoline was first discovered in the 1800’s as a by-product of petroleum. Its initial uses did not involve engines, but instead was sold at pharmacies as topical cure for head lice.
Then in the early 1900’s the Ford Model T was introduced as the first automobile. It had an engine that ran on gasoline; however gas stations did not exist yet. Automobile owners would go to the general store and fill a large bucket with the gas, funneling it into their cars as needed.
Eventually an increasing amount of companies got into the business of producing gasoline and around 1920, as competition increased, the first gas stations began to appear. These gas stations were primitive versions of their modern counterparts and a typical pump took a long 8 minutes to fill a 5 gallon tank.
As cars became larger and engine size increased, a need was created for gasoline that would run cars more efficiently. Companies began to increase octane levels and lead levels to improve engine performance. Octane levels still distinguish different types of gasoline today, with the most common levels being 87, 89 and 93, however by the 1980’s the United States had completely phased out leaded gas due to the health problems it caused.